
Chapter 1

Almost five years had passed. Four years, ten months and three weeks ago that accursed portal had appeared in Hell’s kitchen. After swallowing several people, including Daredevil who’d jumped right in to save them, it had closed. A day later, they’d all reappeared - except for Daredevil.

According to the witnesses a demon had threatened them. Daredevil had killed him. The next moment, they’d found themselves back in New York.

Foggy’d spoken to all of them. Collecting all the shards of information to form a picture. A lesser demon named Reshoon fit the descriptions as did his realm. Apparently, he now and again got bored and kidnapped mortals to kill them for sports. His arrogance had been his downfall because Daredevil - according to the witnesses - had killed Reshoon with one of his own weapons.

The demon’s death had set his victims free. But why not Daredevil?

Where was Daredevil?

Where was Matt?

Only a small circle of people pondered these questions. Danny stood in for Daredevil, Mike Murdock for Matt Murdock. So to the people of New York, Hell’s Kitchen’s vigilante had returned while its do-good lawyer had never gone.

Foggy knew better. Each day without Matt hurt. Others, sad as it was for them, had begun to move on. Foggy didn’t. Wouldn’t ever.

Maybe Matt remained in Reshoon’s realm. Perhaps he’d been transported somewhere else for whatever reason. Either way, Reshoon’s realm was Matt’s last known location so the search had to begin there.

Foggy had spent the last years finding out everything he could about the realm and how to get there. Unfortunately, alone. Dr. Strange had outright refused to give him any information lest Foggy do “something stupid”.

Well, he could be stupid on his own well enough.

Foggy’s furniture stood pushed against the walls. The space in the center of the living room was free so Foggy could draw the chalk circle here. He double-checked the structure and the sigils as well as the objects, carefully placed inside. If he spoke the words correctly, a portal should open, leading directly into Reshoon’s inner sanctum.

In one shaking hand, Foggy held the book. The other was circled firmly around a dagger that - hopefully - could harm demons. All the texts said that while the outer area of Reshoon’s realm was full of hostile creatures, they avoided the center as Reshoon was a danger to anyone weaker than himself. Well, he had been. Reshoon was dead. Killed by Daredevil. So Foggy knew not what to expect. He might walk in on dozens of hellish monsters, still fighting to fill a power vacuum.

Foggy pressed his lips together. Just as well he could walk into an abandoned space with nothing but Matt’s body in it. Violently, Foggy shook his head. He mustn’t think like that as the thought of this possibility came with a paralyzing pain. If he wanted to be able to do anything, he had to cling to hope.

Nodding to himself, he got in position. He recited the words from the book like the strange old lady in a darkened bookshop had taught him. Not all of them she could translate so he didn’t know their full meaning, but he could feel them on his tongue, prickling, stinging and heavy in their significance.

Nothing appeared to happen judging by the looks of it. But Foggy knew that wasn’t true because he could sense it: a shift in the air that brought a foreign smell and made the hairs on his neck stand up. The voices from the neighboring apartments faded, the rushing of the cars outside was muffled now. All the while the other noises of the night, those who wake the ancient fears, like howling wind, creaking wood and those unknown sounds that may or may not be footsteps, grew louder.

It was small at first. A tiny thin thing, almost like a spider’s thread, hanging from the ceiling. But it was hanging from nowhere, it simply hovered in the air, wavering and shimmering. Slowly, it spread. Ripping apart the fabric of reality, it filled the chalk circle bit by bit. The portal on the street back then had looked and acted differently. Deep black and aggressive, it had actively pulled people in. This one, too, was black, but like an obsidian rock was. While dark, it had nuances of color dancing on its undulating surface.

Swallowing, Foggy lifted his hand. He put his palm against the strange portal carefully. It was neither hot nor cold to the touch as Foggy’s hand sank into the unknown mass. He bit his lips and pulled back. There was no saying what was beyond. Stepping in might lead him directly into a pool of lava, he could end up high in the air and take a miles long fall downwards or he may walk directly into the maw of a hungry monster.

“It’s Matt,” Foggy whispered to himself.

And only on himself this would work. Nobody else could understand why Matt was worth going to Hell for. Foggy did.

Before shouldering his large backpack with the first aid kit, the water bottles and the chocolate bars, he put the book into it as well . Dagger ready, he stepped into the portal, knowing that it was madness and that he had no choice.


Going through the portal was like diving through a water-filled tunnel. No, “diving” was the wrong word. It implied having a say when it came to the direction. Instead, the suction of the portal’s magic threw him around in the air- and lightless space, dragging him along. Just as Foggy thought he might pass out from the lack of oxygen, the whirling vortex spit him out. With a gasp, Foggy fell to his knees, harshly hitting stone ground.

Lifting his gaze, he frowned. The witnesses had described the place as being separated into two areas: A large arena for fighting and a confusing labyrinth for hunting, all built with old cracked stones, once gray, now red with blood. Smell of rotting flesh, burnt skin and fresh viscera was supposed to fill the air.

This place was not like that. Eerie in its own way, it was somehow… elegant and smelled of nothing. Foggy knelt in the middle of a rondell, surrounded by several structures, appearing to be made of obsidian. The ground looked like dark red marble, black threads running through it like veins. Above him, a deep gray sky foreboded a storm as thunder rumbled in the distance.

Groaning, Foggy got to his feet. Hesitantly, he turned around and let out a defeated sigh. There was no portal behind him so he had to find another way back later. While he still had the book, he carried none of the other things needed. But that was okay. He would look for Matt - successfully - and they’d figure out how to escape together.

Suddenly, he realized his hands were empty. He cursed. Frantically, his eyes darted around searching for the sleek dark weapon. But it was nowhere to be seen. He must’ve lost the dagger while in the portal. Foggy sighed. It wouldn’t have done him any good probably any way since he was hardly an expert with the short blade. Or any blade. Or any weapon. But now he was completely unarmed and defenseless and knew it.

It couldn’t be helped now. He had to carry on either way.

High in the walls of the buildings, he saw windows, too far up to climb. But on the front of one of the structures, a large fortress with a watch tower, was a two-leaf door.

Foggy approached it. For a moment, he thought he saw a shadow moving behind the tower’s merlon. But it was gone when Foggy looked closer.

Cruel questions flooded his mind as he walked. If there was a way to escape, wouldn’t Matt have found it by now? Didn’t that mean that either Matt was dead or there was no escape? Or both? Would Foggy find his dead friend and then be stuck with it forever?

Trying to ignore those fears, Foggy grabbed the door handle. Locked. Of course. He pulled at and pushed against both leaves to no avail.

Uncertain, Foggy raised his hand. Should he knock? Did that make any sense? Probably it would do nothing as the place appeared deserted. If there was someone, the chances of them being a malevolent creature were higher than of them being willing to help. Maybe he should explore the area in the other direction in hopes of another, easier entrance point.

He turned his back to the door to do just that. Only two steps taken, he was stopped by a tiny squeaking noise. His body tensed, goosebumps spread across his skin and he didn't dare breathing. Very slowly, he moved his head to peek over his shoulder. The right leaf of the door was no longer shut. A small gap had formed.

Foggy returned to the door. Anxiously, he stared into the corridor behind it. It was half-lit by several torches and Foggy could make out a staircase at the end. There were no doors in the walls even though the size of the fortress suggested there should be more room.

The open leaf teased and dared him to enter, reminding him that this place was his only lead to his best friend. Gathering his courage, Foggy slipped inside. He hadn’t even reached the first torch, when from behind him a loud bang echoed loudly through the corridor. The door had fallen shut again.

It was fine. Just a magic demon door who opened when you wanted in and closed when you were done. Yup, nobody liked a cold draft in his fortress of doom.

Curious, but careful, Foggy sneaked towards the stairs. It was silly. Foggy Nelson, chubby New York lawyer, sneaked up on nobody successfully. But somehow it would feel wrong to just walk through Hell like through the courthouse.

His heart thundering in his chest, Foggy ascended to the upper floor. Wind howled loudly through the masonry and sometimes there seemed to be a whisper in the sound. Each of his steps seemed accompanied by another that was not his own. Probably just a weird echo, it had Foggy peeking behind himself ever so often, expecting a dark figure lunging at him.

At the top of the stairs, another two leaf door stood open, revealing a large square hall. His steps on the floor mingled with the rumbling of the brewing storm outside as he entered the wide space.

Large windows showed the gloomy sky outside. One side of the room was dominated by different weapon racks, their shadows floating on the floor in the flickering torches’ light. With raised brows, Foggy noticed what looked like a training mat in one corner, a large bed, simply constructed but with elegant bedding, in another.

Opposite the door, a couple of steps led to a platform. It lay almost completely in darkness. But Foggy could make out the base of what might have been a throne. Like everything else, it appeared to have been carved directly from a large obsidian rock.

And there was a pair of feet! Letting out a sharp breath, Foggy staggered back. He collided with something hard, painfully pressing his rucksack into his back. As he whirled around, the saw that the door had silently closed on him. Quickly, he turned his attention back to the stairs to have eyes on whoever these feet belonged to.

Fearfully, he watched as a pair of muscled legs with dark red skin came to sight. And… oh… Whoever it was, was naked, a long uncircumcised dick surrounded by fiery red hair between his legs. The rest of the figure still was hidden by the shadows, but a low chuckle echoed through the hall.

“Well now, you are far from home, aren’t you, little morsel?” It was a whisper, yet it reverberated forcefully from the fortress walls.

Who could this be? Reshoon should be dead and what Foggy had heard of him, he did not talk much, but would probably immediately start a fight.

Foggy calmed himself. Who- or whatever this creature was, it was not mindless. And it was not openly aggressive, not even hostile in demeanor. A sentient being who did not attack on sight could maybe be bargained with. Foggy was good at bargaining. He was a lawyer after all.

“I’m here for my friend,” he said, keeping his voice firm. “Maybe you could help me find him.”

Yes, that was good. Straight to the point, but polite and not accusing anyone of anything.

“Hmmm,” came the answer. “What makes you think he is here?”

The stranger spoke low, but Foggy was sure amusement swung in his voice. About what was anybody’s guess.

“He, alongside some others, was kidnapped by Reshoon,” Foggy replied, trying to remain focused as the stranger descended further, revealing a toned chest, strong arms… and a tail. Of course, right. Demons. It was a pretty tail, for a tail, Foggy supposed. Shiny scales of red and black spread across the thick appendage that coiled behind the creature.

“Reshoon,” mused the stranger. “I know that name.”

“Yes, this is his realm,” Foggy said.

Again, the demon chuckled. He spread a pair of majestic black-red wings behind his back, clearly making a point of his power.

“It was, little human,” he said, coming closer, and the torchlight now caught in a shock of red hair and illuminated a familiar face with sharp and handsome features. “Before I killed him and took his place.”


In disbelief, Foggy stared at the creature. This was Matt! Foggy knew the red hair and the sharply cut face so well but the once blue eyes were jet-back now. Just the same, they never really focused on Foggy. Matt was probably still blind. The mischievous smile was all Matt’s, too, but sharper - literally - with the canine teeth being longer and pointier than before. While Matt had always been taller than Foggy, he now towered above him at what Foggy estimated were 7 feet. The wings spanned impressively far and under the scales of the long tail rippled additional muscles, perfecting the intimidating picture. Dark red skin lay taut on the well-trained muscles and sharp black claws protruded from the large hands.

“Now, sweetheart,” Matt said, a delighted smile on his face. “I must say a lot of people try to summon me, calling for my help - annoying really - but you’re the first who is brave - or stupid - enough to personally come to me.”

“What?” Distracted by Matt’s appearance and the kafkaesque character of the situation, Foggy took longer than usual to process words. “It… it’s me! Foggy!”

Matt raised a brow. “Do we know each other?”

Foggy nodded and whispered, “Yes, of course.”

Before Foggy could react, the large tail darted forward. Lightning fast, it wrapped around Foggy’s body, easily lifting him from the ground and bringing him face to face with Matt. Foggy was pulled close to Matt, his belly pressed against Matt’s lean chest. Foggy yelped as Matt buried his nose in the slope of Foggy’s neck and breathed in deeply.

“Hmm, familiar, yes,” Matt said with a frown as he moved away. “But I can’t place you. Did I fuck you?”

Foggy’s cheeks were burning. He must be crimson red in the face right now. The fact that he had thought about Matt fucking him - in his bed, bent over his desk, in the car, in a dark alley et cetera - didn’t make this any easier.

Wide-eyed, he stared at Matt. After a few seconds of shock, he stammered, “I… you… we… what? What makes you say that?”

A mockery of a tender smile appeared on Matt’s face.

“Well, you’re clearly not a warrior, little morsel,” he said. “So you neither fought against or with me. I obviously never killed or ate you, you’re none of Reshoon’s little imps who keep bothering me and you’re most definitely not one of the demons who keep challenging me for my realm.”

Foggy did not get the chance to answer as Matt was sniffing his neck again. This time his tongue flicked out, tasting the skin right above the pulse point. Powerless against the whimper that escaped him, Foggy tensed in Matt’s hold.

“But as a lover…,” Matt mused, “...yes, that’s easy to imagine. So soft and ample. And you smell so sweet.” Matt put his hand on Foggy’s hips and nosed along his throat. “Is that why you’re here? Are you mine? Did you miss me and came to find me?”

“Whh…what…?” Foggy had a very hard time focussing.

His traitorous cock was reacting to Matt’s touches and words. It did not help that Matt’s own, unclothed manhood, well, demonhood had risen and was poking into Foggy’s flesh.

“I’m sorry,” Matt said softly and sounded genuine. “When taking another demon’s place, everything from before vanishes. Only some echoes remain, and of course the prime laws of our kind. But I didn’t fully forget you, sweet thing. I remember your smell and how deeply and strongly I long for you, how much I want you.”

Wait. Longing? Wanting?

No, Foggy! Focus on the relevant information here.

Another demon’s place? Had Matt not only forgotten who he was but also what he was? Or used to be. Apparently, he believed he had always been a demon. Maybe he thought his killing of Reshoon was a career move?

“No, no, no,” Foggy said. “I… I am Foggy Nelson. And you’re my friend and partner in law. Your name is Matt Murdock. You used to be like me. Well, not exactly like me as you have these superpowers, but you were a human.”

Matt scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. How would a human have killed Reshoon?”

“You were always quite impressive.” Foggy smiled. “If you protect the innocent, nothing can stop you.”

Shaking his head, Matt said, “That’s impossible.”

“But it’s true!” Foggy insisted. “You’re my friend Matt. You’re kind and smart and funny and you… you’re the best pal a man could wish for. You help people, sometimes as a lawyer, sometimes as a fighter. You said you fight other demons, right?”

“I am a fighter, that much is true,” Matt said. “But I fight to keep enemies away from what’s mine.” With a disgusted expression, Matt spat, “Most of the other demons are pathetic, without honor, preying on the weak and vulnerable.”

“See? You don’t like preying on the innocent!”

“No.” A very white, razorlike smile spread on Matt’s face. “Why would I do that when punishing the guilty is much more fun?”

Ah well. Okay. That kind of tracked. Still Matt, but in demonic then.

“Look,” Foggy said. “Let’s just get you to Dr. Strange. I’m sure he’ll know how to solve the problem.”

“What problem?”

“You being a demon, of course. He’ll make you human again.”

Matt lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head. “What? Even if what you’re saying is true, why would I want to be a weak human if I can be this?” He pointed downwards with his chin.

“Well, you…you…” Foggy stuttered. Then he exclaimed. “I know! You need to come back with me. To New York. To Hell’s Kitchen. Home! You’ll remember. Who you are! Who I am. What we do and that you like being a human!”

“But I’m satisfied here,” Matt said. “I like what I am now . You said we’re friends. Why would a friend want me to rip me out of a state like this and toss me into the existence of a fragile mortal?”

“I…” Foggy fell silent.

There was truth to that. Matt’s life wasn’t exactly a happy one. Matt was a man with a very keen sense of justice in an extremely unfair world. His superpowers let him hear every cry for help but all the strength he had to fight for those who called for him? That wasn’t gifted to him, he had worked for it and had to keep working. He fought a cruel world every day, he barely got any rest and satisfaction was short lived every time.

This version of Matt had not only superhuman but also supernatural powers. Foggy did not know yet to which extent, but he probably was stronger and not as easily wounded as human Matt.

Foggy wanted Matt back. But Matt didn’t even remember him so he didn’t miss him. Once again, Foggy needed Matt more than Matt needed him. Hot tears were gathering in Foggy’s eyes and he barely managed to hold back the sob.

The tail lowered Foggy to the ground. It did not fully release him but the grip loosened. A clawed hand cupped Foggy’s cheek. thumbing away a stray tear. The other hand found Foggy’s chin, gently lifting it up. The demon’s face was so painfully familiar, despite the little black horns at the forehead and the little scales around the blind eyes. So the suddenly so gentle expression on the handsome features hurt all the more.

“Sssh, little morsel,” Matt said. “How about that? I’ll come with you to see your home.” He lifted his hand when Foggy breathed out in relief and clarified, “As part of a pact. My part is visiting New York with you for… let’s say one of your months. But you’ll have to give me something in advance.”

“You want my soul?” Foggy asked.

Immediately, Matt’s tail coiled tighter around Foggy again. Once more, he was raised up into the air and brought face to face with Matt. Matt let a finger slide across Foggy’s chest and stomach as he licked his lips.

“Oh no, little morsel,” he said. “I want all of you.”


“Oh, you understood me,” Matt smirked. “You agree to be mine and can take me to New York to ‘remind me who I am’. A fair bargain.”


“But what? If you’re right and I remember my real me and agree to be turned human again, this doesn’t matter. No demon, no pact.”

Foggy bit his lip. This was very risky as he neither knew if Matt would remember, if he would want to go back in case he did remember and if Dr. Strange really could reverse the transformation. But it was the only chance he had.

“Alright,” he said. “How does this work? Do we make a contract or…?”

“We state the terms and seal the pact with a handshake,” Matt explained. “But before we go to New York, I want one night with you - see it as a down payment.”

“You… you really want… me? Not as in me owing you a favor or cleaning your toilet - do you use toilets, wait, not the point, - you really want me to…”

“... as my lover, yes” Matt said and played with Foggy’s hair. “You’re too delicious. That’s why I even bother. I could just send you back to your world. Or kill you.”

Foggy tensed and his pulse began to race. Of course, Matt picked up on that and tenderly petted Foggy’s head. Before Foggy knew it, he leant into the touch.

It was all a bit much. For years, he’d been searching for Matt. He’d feared the worst, that Matt was dead and he’d never see him again. Now, here he was. But he was all different and Foggy didn’t know what the bigger difference was: his new demonic nature or the fact that he saw Foggy as something to desire, to want so badly to make a deal over it.

“I won’t hurt you,” Matt promised and asked, “So what do you say? We make the pact. You in my service for as long as I say and I will go to New York with you for a month. One night with you as down payment can’t be too much to ask, can it?”

Foggy opened his mouth to agree. But he stopped himself at the last second. Dammit. Nothing had changed. Matt still had that effect on Foggy that made him stupid and careless in his wish to please. But this was a demonic pact. He had to be careful.

“How long are the nights here?” Foggy asked.

Matt chuckled. “Smart thing,” he commended. “In my realm they are as long as I want.”

“Since I don’t have as much time as you, I refuse that condition,” Foggy said drily.

Placatingly, Matt lifted his hands. “Can’t blame a demon for trying.”

“Oh, I can,” Foggy said. “Why would I trust you now?”

Smiling, Matt leaned forward, his nose brushing Foggy’s.

“Because you want to,” he whispered. Louder, he said, “Alright, the night will last six of your Earth hours. Then I’ll visit New York with you and you can show me everything you deem relevant. As a recompense for my attempt to trick you, I’ll stay two months instead of one.”

Foggy considered. It was a better offer, but this version of Matt apparently really really wanted him. As flattering as this was, he should be smart about it and make the most of it.

“Six months,” he said.

A surprised expression spread on Matt’s face. Thoughtfully, he tilted his head.

“That’s rather demanding,” he said.

“You said it yourself,” Foggy replied, “you have no memory of before. For five years you’ve known nothing but this. Two months are hardly a counterweight to this.”

“But six months would be?”

Foggy shrugged. “I’ll take my chance.”

“It would be risky,” Matt said. “Leaving my realm unguarded for so long… other demons want it.”

“I’m sure you’ve shown them you’re not to be trifled with by now,” Foggy said. “Even if they steal from you while you’re gone, you’re strong enough to kick them out again.”

Matt smirked. “Manipulating me with flattery,” he said, delighted. “I do like you. Fine. Six months. Anything else?”

“Don’t hurt innocent people or our friends and allies.”

Confused, Matt blinked. “Why would I hurt friends or allies?”

“Um… when for example, in theory, Mi…erm, someone posed as you to cover up that you disappeared along with Daredevil, and broke your favorite mug and your second favorite mug, well, and the spare mug you still can’t hurt him.”

“I could repair the mugs with a thought, little morsel,” Matt said, shrugging. “Why would I…”

“Or if a very dear friend wore your costume to secure your home,” Foggy continued. “But spilled barbecue sauce on it that left an every so slight stain that just won’t go out.”

“Alright, I…”

“Or if you ex-girlfriend totally messed up your computer settings even though I told her you might still need it,...”

“Alright, alright!” Matt interrupted. “ Not hurting the innocent, our friends and allies. Even if the latter apparently aren’t very considerate of my property.”

“Thank you.” Foggy nodded.

“Alright then,” Matt said and raised a finger in warning. “But if you fail to convince me within the given time, there’ll be no take backs. You’ll still be mine.”


Smiling, Matt put Foggy down. His tail released Foggy and he stretched out his hand. For the fracture of a second Foggy hesitated. This wasn’t simply Matt after all. He bargained not with an old friend but with a demon. However, before doubt could overwhelm him, Foggy took and shook the offered hand.

Chapter 2

Matt’s smile grew wider. He used his hold on Foggy to pull him closer. His free hand grabbed the back of Foggy’s head as Matt surged forward to steal a kiss. Demanding and rough, his lips were on Foggy’s, all but prying them apart. Then Matt’s tongue was inside Foggy’s mouth. It felt unnaturally long and hot as it slung around its counterpart, coaxing Foggy to partake.

Vaguely, Foggy registered that something tugged on his backpack. He didn’t resist as it was ripped away from his body together with his jacket, landing somewhere with a thud.

Demon or not. This was Matt who wanted Foggy so badly. And after missing his best friend (and admittedly, the man he loved) for so long, Foggy’s defenses weren’t what they used to be. Even before their pact, he’d been affected by Matt’s touches. But as soon as Matt’s mouth had collided with his, Foggy’d been done for. He all but melted when Matt’s arms wound around him while Matt kept claiming his mouth and the large hands started caressing his back and sides.

Foggy whined when Matt broke the kiss. But Matt made a soothing sound while he took a small step back. With a smile on his lips, he reached for Foggy’s shirt. Surprised, Foggy noticed that Matt’s claws were gone as he began to undo the buttons. With dexterous hands, Matt also opened Foggy’s belt and fly. Then he stopped.

Confused, Foggy observed him. Matt just stood there in all his demonic glory. It became obvious now that he wasn’t just “well endowed. Now that the large cock with the reddish skin was fully erect and dripping from its slit, Foggy realized this. At the moment, he had neither the time nor the brain capacity to estimate its measures. It was clear however that this was not the size of a human penis.

Taking a deep breath, Foggy relaxed. He had to trust that there was enough of his Matt left as not to hurt him. Matt wouldn’t harm him. Right now, however, Matt didn’t do anything. He made no move to further undress Foggy.

Did he expect Foggy to do something? Foggy would. He would do anything for Matt. Always, and especially now with his own cock rubbing uncomfortably against the fabric of his trousers.

Just as he reached for his shirt, he was grabbed by Matt’s tail again. The muscled middle part slung around Foggy’s waist to lift him up. The tip however hooked into his trousers’ and pulled them down. Afterwards it went for the collar of his shirt, ripping it off his body, tearing some of the fabric in the process.

Frowning, Matt stepped closer. His palm slid over Foggy’s undershirt and he tugged at the waistband of his boxershorts. Then the claws were back. With one quick motion Matt used them to cut Foggy’s undershirt in two pieces. They had barely hit the ground, when the remains of Foggy’s boxers followed.

“Why do humans wear so many clothes?” Matt asked, annoyed.

“Mainly against the cold,” Foggy said sardonically. “Though this underwear is probably no longer suited for that. You know, you could’ve… whoa.”

Matt’s tail tossed Foggy upwards. Squealing, he landed right in Matt’s arms who held him close.

“You won’t get cold here,” Matt promised. “I take care of what’s mine.”

With two strong beats of his wings, they were up in the air. For the first time, Foggy got an impression of how high the hall actually was. But they didn’t fly far. With Foggy in his arms, Matt flew across the hall to the platform. As he sank down on the obsidian throne, he gingerly put Foggy back into the hold of his tail and held him up.

“You could have walked here, show-off,” Foggy said, trying to hide his nervousness.

“Awww, I didn’t impress you?” Matt asked, lower lip protruding.

This was just impossible. Matt had become a demon, sat nakedly on a black throne, sporting an unnaturally large erection and… pouted adorably. Not fair.

“You’re very impressive,” Foggy said, attempting to sound teasing, but it came out quiet and way too genuine.

Matt’s grin was back at once. “Thank you, little morsel. Now come here.”

Foggy stared down at Matt. Legs spread, he sat on his throne, cock standing tall. When he was slowly lowered towards Matt, Foggy realized what Matt was planning. In a surge of panic, he began to struggle.

“Matt, we need lube or something. You know, prep…”

The tail’s grip tightened. In a stark contrast to the harsh treatment stood the tender soothing noise Matt made.

“You’ll be fine,” he said in a silken voice.

“But, Matty…” Foggy whined as he felt the tip of Matt’s cock against his hole.

Matt’s right hand landed on Foggy’s butt, the left in his hair. He shushed Foggy.

“You’ll be fine,” he repeated firmly.

With that, he pulled Foggy into another kiss. Like the last one, it didn’t taste of anything at first. But as the seconds passed, the kiss took on the flavor Foggy had always imagined Matt’s kisses to be. A bittersweet sensation of coffee and sugar and a hint of the mild coconut sauce from Matt’s favorite indian restaurant. The familiar scent of Matt’s aftershave filled Foggy’s nose as well as the underlying note of the shampoo he used. Despite the knowledge that this couldn’t be real, Foggy relaxed in Matt’s arms.

Weakly, he gasped as Matt pushed in. Matt breached Foggy slowly and carefully, but steadily. Inch by inch, he conquered the tight channel, Foggy’s body just giving. As Matt had promised, he was fine. More than fine. No pain, just the feeling of being filled completely by Matt, his hot cock pulsating inside of Foggy.

Foggy mewled into the kiss as Matt began to move. Or more, he moved Foggy . As if Foggy was but a doll, Matt easily lifted him up with his tail, making him ride Matt’s cock.

Breaking the kiss, Matt leant back. The smug bastard appeared composed, but Foggy was close enough to hear his elated breath. Also, Matt was very eager to touch every inch of Foggy he could find. Greedily, his hands roamed over Foggy’s body, taking in what his eyes couldn’t see.

Matt’s palms were hot against Foggy’s skin. Each brush off his fingers, each caress, each motion, each harsh grab was perfectly placed. With every passing second, Matt seemed to know better how and where to touch Foggy to make him pant and moan - and where to not touch him to deny him release. Helplessly, Foggy squirmed and writhed in the thick tails hold, reduced to groaning and begging.

“Matt! Matty, please,” he pleaded. “I… I need…”

“I know what you need, little morsel,” Matt answered. “And you’ll get it… eventually.”

Matt’s attempts to come across as unaffected were betrayed by the way he pressed out those words between ragged breaths. With a tight grip on Foggy’s waist, he began thrusting up into Foggy. Combined with the motions of his tail, this pressed his cock against Foggy’s prostate faster and harder now. Hot pleasure rushed through Foggy’s body, ripping a wail out of him. His hand reached for his own dick, but a low growl stopped him in his tracks.

Matt adjusted their positions and they ended up chest to chest. Caught in another filthy kiss and both their hands entwining in each other’s hair, they clung to each other. Matt’s next thrust was angled just so and Foggy saw stars. Crying out Matt’s name, he came untouched, his semen pooling between their stomachs. Moaning, he held on to Matt who viscously fucked him through his orgasm not relenting until Foggy went limp in his grasp.

After a few more motions, Matt threw his head back and roared. The cock inside Foggy pulsed, making him keen in overstimulation. Matt’s teeth dug harshly into Foggy’s neck as he climaxed, spending himself hot inside his lover.

Groaning, Foggy buried his face in the slope of Matt’s shoulder. He’d never felt so full or so sated. At one point, Matt slipped out of him. Boneless, Foggy hung in Matt’s arms as the demon got up and carried Foggy through the fortress.

“How do you feel, little morsel?” he heard through the haze.

Foggy wanted to explain in elaboration that he was fine, maybe make a funny quip about demon cocks. But all that came out was “hnnng”. At least it earned him a soft laughter and a kiss on the forehead.

He neither knew nor cared where Matt was taking him. Faintly, he heard doors open and close. After a while, he was lowered into warm water.

Blinking open his eyes, he found himself in a cavern. Black rocks with smooth surfaces rose to a high ceiling, shining crystals on the ground and walls cast a magical blue light. From an opening between the stones, water sprung and flowed into the warm pool Foggy was in.

Matt elegantly swam around him, smiling.

“This is beautiful,” Foggy said.

“I hoped you’d like it.”

“I do. Feels good, too. Warm.”

“I promised you wouldn’t get cold.” Matt delicately put his hands on Foggy’s hips and pulled him close. Grinning, he brought their mouths together.

Pleasantly, Foggy sighed into the soft kiss. Matt’s hands began to wander until they arrived at Foggy’s butt. Foggy moaned when Matt’s claws dug lightly into his flesh and slung his legs around Matt’s waist.

The kiss grew heated very quickly. Tongues and limbs entangled, they floated in the water and Foggy soon noticed Matt’s cock becoming hard again. Impressive. And flattering.

After a while, Matt moved away. With a mischievous grin, he let his thumb flick across Foggy’s bottom lip. Foggy felt a blush rise at the not so subtle request.

Matt loosened his grip. Gently, he released Foggy into the waters and swam to the pool's edge. With a dexterous move he swung himself out and sat down on the side. He spread his legs, presenting his erect cock, a waggle of his fingers beckoning Foggy closer.

Obediently, Foggy followed. Near the edge, the water was shallow so Foggy could comfortably kneel there. Putting his hands on Matt’s thighs, he brought his lips to the tip of Matt’s cock.

Very human scents, musky and deep, met Foggy’s nose. Shortly, he wondered if this was real or -like before - conjured for his benefit. Or to manipulate him. If so, it worked. He couldn’t help being reminded of fantasies he’d had about Matt putting him on his knees, Matt’s fingers sinking into his hair, softly but insistently guiding his movements.

So Foggy reacted like he did in those daydreams: very willing. He started slowly. Experimentally, he kissed the tip and let his tongue run along the shaft. At first, Matt hummed in appreciation, but soon he became impatient.

“Enough teasing, pet,” he hissed out as he gripped Foggy’s hair.

So Foggy wrapped his lips around Matt’s mouth. There was no way for him to take all of it so Foggy let him in until he felt the tip of Matt’s cock in his throat. He circled his fingers around the base. Bobbing his head in sync with the stroke of his hand, he seemed to please Matt. At least, the deep rumble from Matt’s throat and the fist tightening in his hair were good indicators.

Tenderly, Matt combed through Foggy’s hair with his fingers. His hand subtly directed Foggy’s movements and whispered to Foggy how good he was doing. Praise that went straight to Foggy’s own neglected but nonetheless dripping cock.

Foggy desperately needed to be touched. But Matt hadn’t liked it the last time he’d tried so Foggy trusted Matt would take care of him.

Suddenly, Foggy felt something cool and smooth at his butt. Startled at first, he soon realized it was Matt’s tail. He thought it was a random motion. But quickly, he found that it was not when the nimble appendage found its way between his cheeks.

Foggy squealed and was about to release Matt’s cock. A firm hand kept him in his place. Squirming and moaning, Foggy tried focusing on Matt‘s cock while the tip of Matt‘s tail slipped into him.

Slowly, Matt rolled his hips. His cock was pushed upwards into Foggy‘s mouth. He gave Foggy time to adjust to his motions before he thrusted into Foggy’s ass in a matching rhythm.

Foggy writhed helplessly. The sensation in his channel was foreign, smooth and cool against his walls. The tail slithered inside him and with eerie precision found his prostate. It was filthy - and felt amazing. It had to be wrong.

However, Foggy was in Hell already. Literally. He might as well enjoy its perks. So he focused on the solid, hot weight against his tongue and the stretch of ass as Matt fucked him from both ends. He allowed the rhythm to hypnotize him. His surroundings faded away until there was nothing but Matt. Matt’s voice breathing out praise between sinful moans, Matt’s hand in his hair, Matt’s cock in his mouth, Matt’s tail in his ass.

Foggy barely noticed how he approached the edge. Surprised by his own orgasm, he keened around Matt’s cock. Trembling, he attempted to keep up the steady movements of his head and hand.

It was enough for Matt. Shortly after Foggy climaxed, he did, too. Rather roughly, he pulled Foggy off of his cock at the last second, cumming across Foggy’s lips and chin.

Not that Foggy had any capacity to care. He all but collapsed. Distantly, he heard a fond chuckle as he was caught and pulled into Matt’s lap.


Foggy awoke to someone stroking his sides. The faint smell of sex lay in the air and he was surrounded by soft warmth. Opening his eyes, he saw that he was in a large bed with red silken sheets and a matching blanket. It wasn’t the same he had seen in the hall.

This place looked like an elegant master bedroom. Midnight green walls were adorned with foreign runes and a large wardrobe made of dark wood stood near a sturdy door. The wine red curtains at the window weren’t completely closed, a starless night sky visible through the gap.

A muscled chest pressed against Foggy‘s back. Large hands journeyed between his stomach and his butt. Matt pressed a kiss against his hair and whispered, “Returned to me?”

“Um, yes.” Foggy’s face heated up. “Sorry for falling asleep.”

“I decided to see it as a compliment.”

Foggy smiled at the smugness in Matt’s voice. “I’m glad to hear that.”

After pecking Foggy’s cheek, Matt grabbed his shoulders. He turned him around and put him on his back. It was then that Foggy felt Matt’s erection against his leg.

“Matt, I…”

Exhausted and sore, Foggy tried to object, but all protest died on his lips as Matt kissed him, sweet but purposeful, his desire palpable with every lash of his tongue. When he finally broke the kiss, Foggy was half-hard again. Matt smiled.

“One more time, pet,” he whispered. “For me.”

Foggy nodded weakly, but spread his legs willingly.

Matt climbed on top of him. It was a heavy but comforting weight, making Foggy feel safe. When Matt’s strong arms wrapped around him, Foggy kissed him. With a pleased hum, Matt reciprocated and positioned himself.

Easily, Matt’s cock slid into Foggy. He set a firm rhythm from the start, fuelling the interest of Foggy’s own cock. The angle was a bit odd as Matt refused to break the kiss while he fucked Foggy. But Foggy could hardly care with Matt’s tongue and cock inside him and Matt’s hands on his skin. With precise aim, Matt found Foggy’s sweet spot and alternated between hitting it dead on and missing it deliberately. He had Foggy on edge again, embarrassingly fast.

“You’re so perfect,” Matt said breathlessly while he took Foggy. His voice sounded genuinely astonished as he added, “I can’t believe you walked into my realm willingly and gave yourself to me.”

Foggy wanted to answer that he did this for Matt. That he would do anything for him. That he loved him. Had for so long. That he still couldn’t process being in Matt’s arms. As his lover, not as a friend.

But all that came out was a strangled “Matty” as words escaped Foggy and his voice broke.

High-strung and vulnerable, Foggy could only obey when Matt whispered, “Come for me.”

More a sob than a cry of pleasure fell from Foggy’s lips when his walls tightened around Matt’s cock.

Matt followed fast. Again, he spent himself inside his lover. Growling, he opened his wings and lowered them next to Foggy and Foggy almost cried at the possessive-protective gesture.

In this very moment, Foggy wavered. Above him, Matt rode out his orgasm, fucking Foggy through his. Matt’s face, Matt’s voice, Matt’s scent combined with sweat and semen. Wasn’t this enough? Why try to convince Matt to come back to his normal life? Why make him vulnerable again to weapons and heartbreak? Why drag him back to Hell’s Kitchen when they could just stay here? Matt happy with his existence and Foggy safe in his arms?

When Foggy came down from his high, words were still failing him. As soon as he could speak again, he would tell Matt. He would let him know that they didn’t need to go back. They could just stay here together. Forever.

Ensouled by this thought, Foggy fell asleep. Strong arms held him tight, dark wings shielded him from the cold and from anything that may be out there.


Foggy’s first thought was “What a dream!”. Only when he opened his eyes and found himself on a sheet of crimson red silk, tucked underneath a cozy blanket, he knew. Not a dream.

He really had found Matt. Matt really was a demon now after killing another demon. On top of that, demon Matt really had thoroughly fucked Foggy last night. Oh, and Foggy really was now somehow Matt’s property by demon laws. Right.

After a while, he also remembered his decision last night. He groaned. Had he been able to speak, he would have just released Matt from his part of the pact. No doubt, exactly what Matt had wanted.

Foggy wasn’t sure how it worked in detail. But at least some of what he felt last night probably was Matt’s doing. Well, a lot of it was, of course, but Foggy mustn’t dismiss the possibility of Matt influencing his thoughts and compromising his decision making skills. Scolding himself, Foggy vowed to be more vigilant from now on. To get human Matt back, he mustn’t underestimate demon Matt.

And it was right. No matter what Matt said or what Foggy pondered last night. Matt had never agreed to that. He had killed the master of this realm to save people, not to become the new ruler of this domain. Actually, he hadn’t even known this would happen. At the very least, he deserved a say, right? Maybe if Matt got his memories back, things would be cleared.

Speaking of, where was Matt? Foggy sat up. He was alone in the bedroom, but now there was a door in the North wall. However, he didn’t feel like walking around a demon’s fortress stark naked.

Just as this thought went through his mind, a creaking sound filled the room. Turning his head to the source, he saw that the wardrobe had opened. Foggy peeked inside carefully.

Only one set of clothing hung in there and one pair of shoes stood beneath it. This was what he had worn yesterday. Even though Matt had ripped most of it, it was all fully intact now.

Foggy smiled. Even the button of his jacket that had been missing for a few weeks now was back.

“I told you I take care of what’s mine.”

“Jesus!” Foggy whirled around.

Somehow Matt had sneaked inside. He was standing by the door and Foggy had to fight the tears. Apparently, Matt was already prepared for their trip to New York, including adapting his appearance.

Not only were the wings and tail gone. The scales around his eyes were now the tiny scars from his childhood accident again. Red glasses hid Matt’s eyes so Foggy didn’t know if they were back to blue. But with his hair stylishly tousled, smartly dressed in an elegant dark-gray suit, a white shirt and the wine red tie, Matt looked exactly like he had on the morning that Foggy had last seen him before his disappearance.

A very human hand reached for Foggy’s face. Matt tilted his head thoughtfully and rubbed his thumb across Foggy’s cheek. Concern and confusion lay on his features.

“Not good?” he asked.

“No, it’s fine. Perfect actually,” Foggy said. “You look like… well, you.”

Matt smiled. “I’m glad you think so. Get dressed, pet.”

“You know you can’t call me that in front of people, right?” Foggy said as he reached for his clothes. “Or ‘little human’ or ‘morsel’.”

Frowning, Matt tilted his head. “What about ‘sweetheart’?”

Foggy swallowed.

“You… you could,” he said. “Though not in a professional environment like a meeting with clients or in court. And people would make certain assumptions about our relationship.”

“I don’t want them to make assumptions,” Matt said darkly. “I want them to know. There should be no doubt that you’re mine.”

“We can make that work,” Foggy said, trying to ignore the shiver along his spine. “Give it a few days and we can say we started dating.” When Matt furrowed his brows in confusion, Foggy sighed and clarified, “It means I’m yours.”

Satisfied, Matt nodded.

After Foggy got dressed, Matt offered his arm. With a warm feeling, Foggy took it and was led out of the door.

Surprised, Foggy recognized the corridor he had walked yesterday without seeing any doors. Now, there were four of them. Shaking his head, he decided it was not the time to understand demonic magic.

Arm in arm with Matt, he walked to the main door. It opened on its own for them and revealed the view on rondell where a new portal was waiting for them.

Matt unlinked their arms and made a chivalrous gesture.

“After you,” he said.

“Can’t we go together?” Foggy asked. “My last… experience was rather terrifying and…”

“Of course,” Matt said. “Take my hand.”

Foggy did. Walking to the portal with Matt, he made a point of not thinking about the broad smile on Matt’s face.

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